Recover Programme Testimonials

The Recover Programme: A well-paced, supportive journey

The Recover Programme was well-structured, with just the right amount of material between Zoom sessions. The online content was really valuable.

Finding comfort in shared experiences

Being part of the group was invaluable. It was reassuring to meet others with similar symptoms, which helped alleviate feelings of isolation. This sense of community was a crucial aspect of the programme.

Steady progress

I've noticed improvement in my symptoms, though progress was slow initially, it picked up towards the end of the course. This has made me more optimistic about my recovery journey.

Gaining knowledge and optimism

I've learned a tremendous amount from the programme, and I continue to gain insights each time I revisit the online material. This knowledge has given me a positive outlook on my future, even though I still have some way to go in my recovery.

The power of personal interaction

The Zoom chats were the most valuable part of the programme. Karl, Tim, and David listened attentively, addressed concerns, and offered a balanced perspective. Their advice on stress management and pacing has been crucial to my improvement.

Looking forward with hope

While I'm still working on some aspects of my recovery, I now see a positive way forward that wasn't clear before. The Recover Programme has given me the tools, knowledge, and support to continue my journey towards better health.

Ben, Recover Programme 2024

The online format offers flexibility and live interactions

The online format of the Recover Programme is excellent. We have access to the program and videos on the platform whenever and wherever we want. The Zoom sessions are particularly valuable as they allow for live interactions, enhancing the learning experience.

Being part of a supportive group has been crucial

Initially, I was apprehensive about joining a group, as my experience with a Facebook group had been more fear-inducing than helpful. However, the members of this program were kind and supportive. The WhatsApp group became an essential part of the experience, allowing us to share pictures, viewpoints, and ask questions at any time.

The program provided mental support and diverse perspectives

While I had seen some improvement before the program due to working with Karl, the Recover Programme was particularly beneficial from a mental standpoint. I gained new insights, connected with others experiencing similar symptoms, and learned various techniques and advice. The combination of Karl and Tim's expertise, along with David's story and experience, created a well-rounded approach.

I've gained confidence through increased knowledge

Although I had prior knowledge from working with Karl, reading books, and consulting other professionals, the program videos and Tim's perspectives provided additional valuable information. This comprehensive approach has boosted my confidence in managing my condition.

I'm making progress, despite ongoing challenges

There are still moments of fear about the future, given the multifaceted nature of this condition. However, I've made significant progress, resuming activities I had previously given up. Deep down, I know I can succeed, though maintaining consistency and diligence in my daily life can be challenging.

The live sessions were the highlight of the program

For me, the Zoom sessions were the most impactful part of the program. I was fortunate to have a one-on-one session with Karl and Tim, which was particularly beneficial. I plan to review all the program videos to reinforce what I've learned.

While I haven't undergone new tests related to CPPS, the program has equipped me with valuable tools and knowledge for my ongoing recovery journey.

Jeremy, Recover Programme 2024


The online format allowed me to engage with the content at my own pace

I found the online format of the Recover Programme highly beneficial. It allowed me to watch the pre-recorded content at my own pace, with the monthly divisions providing focus and preventing content overload. Being part of a group was crucial, as we supported each other and shared useful information, especially through our WhatsApp group.

I've noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms

Since starting the programme, I've seen a notable improvement in my symptoms. I'd say I'm at 80% recovery now. While the final 20% may take more time, I'm confident I'll get there.

I now have the tools to manage any flare-ups

The knowledge I've gained during the programme has been invaluable. I've refined my approach, keeping the practices that work best for me. Now, I have the tools to deal with any signs of a flare-up, making it more of an inconvenience than a major issue.

I feel positive about my future

I feel positive about my future. I've learned what triggers flare-ups and how to manage them effectively. This understanding has given me confidence in handling my condition moving forward.

Being part of a wider group was the most impactful aspect

The most beneficial parts of the programme were being part of a wider group, sharing experiences, and listening to others. Hearing from people who have previously had the condition, either through pre-recorded content or in monthly Q&As, was particularly insightful. Having even more recovered voices in Q&A sessions would be a great addition.

Shane, Recover Programme 2024

Since starting the program, I have noticed a slow but steady decrease in my symptoms

I found the online format of the Recover Programme very convenient and effective. Being part of a group with others suffering from similar conditions provided me with invaluable support.

Since starting the program, I have noticed a slow but steady decrease in my symptoms, making them more manageable but not completely resolved.

I feel more confident about my future now

I gained very useful knowledge from the content and plan to review the recordings to further digest the material. I feel more confident about my future now that my symptoms have decreased and I have more tools to manage them.

The caring attitude of the Recover Team has been immensely beneficial

The deep knowledge and caring attitude of the facilitators, along with the group support, were the most beneficial parts of the program for me. I am so grateful for the programme, it has provided me great support.

Tim, Recover 2023

My symptoms have eased, and the movement programme has increased my range of motion

Since completing the Recover Programme my mental state has improved giving me a new perspective physically. My symptoms have eased, and the movement programme has increased my range of motion. I know recovery involves both mind and body, and I'm eager to continue applying what I've learned.

Being part of the group has been awesome 

Being part of a group of kind people who never judged my vulnerability was one of the most valuable parts of all this. Having that while expanding my knowledge and understanding of what I’m going through was priceless.

I've learned a set of valuable skills that I can apply to my whole life

I have gained information not only related to CPPS but also a set of valuable skills that I can apply to the rest of my life, health and wellbeing. I’m able to focus more on my present everyday and I am hopeful that will bring a nice future


Daniel, Recover 2023

I have noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms since commencing the programme

The online format of the Recover Programme worked very well for me, and worked well with my schedule working from home- the regular check ins and discussions were very helpful and made me feel less alone in going through this condition, the opportunity to speak to others who understood was absolutely invaluable.

As a group we have regularly supported and encouraged each other

As a group we have regularly supported and encouraged each other, through both the online sessions as well as the Whatsapp group chat, which has really kept me going and determined where I may have experienced downs/darker moments or particularly bad flare ups.

I have noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms since commencing the programme

I have noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms since commencing the programme, probably simply through it changing my mindset about the condition and how I perceive it.

The knowledge I have gained through the programme has been invaluable

The knowledge I have gained through the programme has been invaluable, and it has given me the encouragement and motivation to change my daily routine in order to be kinder to myself and work on resolving this condition and how much it has affected me.

The future seems a lot brighter than it was before I started this programme

The future seems a lot brighter than it once was before I started this programme - while I am still working a lot out it has given me the tools and focus I need to accept and take steps towards recovery from this condition. The most beneficial and impactful parts of the programme for me have been the stretches/exercise routines offered, as well as the realisation that I need to stop and take breaks throughout my day, and the benefits of breathing and meditation.

The programme has helped me realise that this condition is probably a wake up call for me to change my life

The rush of modern life and distractions like social media hardly help with this condition, but there are ways we can stop a minute and be kind to ourselves, and the programme has helped me realise that this condition is probably a wake up call for me to change my life and not let myself get stressed as regularly. Karl, Tim and David as well as my fellow members of the group have really helped me along and got me out of a very dark and hopeless place, which I will be forever grateful for.

Stuart, Recover 2023

I have the tools I need to create a future that I want to have

The Recover Programme has been transformative for me. It has given me hope and the tools I need to take control of my condition and my future.

David's role has been invaluable in making the programme accessible

I want to thank David for his honesty and openness. Your role has been invaluable in making the programme more accessible for us all. You've added a real sense of hope - listening to you has made everything Karl and Tim have said feel real and achievable.

Tim's expert insights are saving lives

I would like to thank Tim for his expert insights into pain, and his ongoing work which is clearly benefiting many, many people. Without you Tim, and those like you, there wouldn't be any hope for people who have very complex pain conditions. As far as I can see, you and your work save people's lives. I want you to know that that really is how much I value what you are doing.

Karl's support and expertise have transformed my relationship with pain

Karl, I would like to thank you for all the support you have offered me both during the programme, and during our relationship before. Your expert knowledge of CPPS has transformed my relationship with pain. I don't want to think about where I would be had I not met you. You've offered me hope. You've given me tools I need to create a future that I want to have.

I am curing myself

Without the Pelvic Pain Matters team, I would be still thinking that medicine simply wasn't advanced enough to treat my condition, and that I was doomed. However, I now know that I do not have Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: I have Mind-Body Syndrome - and I can cure myself. I am curing myself.

Tom, Recover 2023

The Recover Programme is helping me rationalise and make my CPPS more manageable than it was before.

The Recover Programme is helping me rationalise and make my CPPS more manageable than before. It’s giving me confidence and motivation to change bad habits.⁠

I would highly recommend this programme because it is run by two kind and compassionate people (Tim and Karl) who know their stuff and know first hand what it’s like to have this condition.  They give you realistic and helpful strategies to keep it at bay.

I’m finding being around others with this condition gives me motivation and helps me feel less lonely with it. I enjoy the way it’s presented it feels informal and welcoming.

Amir, Recover 2022


If you truly want to understand CPPS, the Recover Programme is for you

The Recover Programme offers comprehensive, up-to-date information on Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) and strategies to manage it effectively. It's reassuring to know you're not alone in this journey.

A supportive network with valuable resources

The programme provides an excellent support network. The Recover room offers a wealth of information and the opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges. This sense of community has been crucial for me.

Mindful movement and mindset: Key to recovery

The focus on mindful movement and mindset as cornerstones of treatment has been particularly beneficial in my progress.

Why I recommend the Recover Programme

  1. It helps you truly understand CPPS and why traditional approaches may not work.
  2. If you're struggling with pain and uncertainty, this course offers answers and personalized guidance.
  3. It empowers you to take control of your recovery, providing the latest insights and success stories.

The Recover Programme equips you with knowledge, support, and practical strategies to manage CPPS effectively and work towards full recovery.

James, Recover 2022


The Recover Program, in my opinion, is brilliant

Karl and Tim are clearly very knowledgeable in their respective areas, and the way they've structured this group and content is fantastic. The combination of expert discussions on specific CPPS topics followed by group conversations is incredibly useful.

Finding support and understanding

Discovering this programme and group of people who understand what you're going through is invaluable, both mentally and physically. It's reassuring to know you're not alone. I genuinely look forward to the live sessions to learn more about CPPS and connect with other members.

Why you should book the programme

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. After spending months and years researching CPPS, I've finally found a group that offers valuable insight into this condition and how to manage it effectively. The programme provides expert knowledge from Karl and Tim, a supportive community of people who understand, practical strategies for managing CPPS, and regular live sessions for learning and sharing.

Book the programme - you won't regret it.

Arlo, Recover 2022

The Recover Program is fantastic.

I think the Recover Program is fantastic.⁠ I am enjoying life more, and my CPPS symptoms have become more background interference than right in your face.  It is really good to be in a group with other sufferers; CPPS can be such a lonely, frightening, depressing experience. The group support is invaluable. 

Pedro, Recover 2022

I have hope in a way that I didn't before.

I've been experiencing symptoms on and off for about 13 years, but it had been persistent pain for the last 3 years. I initially believed there was an incident that had triggered the symptoms, and that I had injured myself in some way. However, having completed the Recover Programme, I now believe it was a gradual onset as my body reacted to the conditions of my life. I now believe the genesis of the pain to be a problem that had been previously hidden elsewhere in my life and the programme has pointed me in a new direction, and I strongly believe I am now heading down the right path.

I had very severe stabbing, burning pain up the shaft of the penis that felt like my urethra was being ripped out; a bruised, tight sensation in my perinium and a prickly, sore, itchy sensation in the rectum.  I remained in work and carried on being independent but the symptoms prevented me from enjoying anything in my life.  At my worst, suicidal thoughts were running through my mind. I wasn't able to talk about this because of social taboos, but this programme has been revolutionary for me in helping to identify problems in my life and empowering me to begin fixing them. Being open about my human experience, including admitting that I am vulnerable and in so much pain I've been thinking about ending my life, is proving to be part of my recovery. 

Slightly anxious at first about being part of a group programme; discussing sensitive issues that made me feel vulnerable, and I was opening myself up to people I didn't know. However, I quickly remembered that everyone was in the same position - we were all vulnerable. Because we were all vulnerable, we were all wanting the best for each other, and we created a supportive environment very quickly. The groups were facilitated by Karl and/or Tim in such a way that I felt relaxed all the way through. There were occasions where the group discussions posed problems for me, but I was able to e-mail the Pelvic Pain Matters Team with my concerns, and they responded very promptly and very compassionately to my worries. Even though this is a group programme, I felt supported by Karl and Tim on an individual and personal level. 

Whilst the Recover Programme has not completed the jigsaw and given me all the answers, it has been fundamental in revealing enough of the picture to empower me to find the remaining pieces. I have not yet completed the jigsaw, but without this programme I would have far fewer pieces joined together, and far less of the completed picture in view. 

I feel I am now on the right track to recovery. I feel that I had been barking up the wrong tree and I feel I was pursuing cures that were false and could never work. I feel I now have the answers to my recovery and it is my responsibility to work hard to realise these answers.  

Tom, Recover 2023

I made a full recovery using the Recover approach after 8 years of Prostatitis.

I had happened upon the Pelvic Pain Clinic during one of my many searches for information about prostatitis. I was intrigued to read how its founder, Karl Monahan, was seeing considerable success treating patients using his own unique Recover approach, and toyed with giving it a go. Now that antibiotics had failed me, I was ready to try.

My sessions with Karl have been truly remarkable. During the first visit I shared everything I’d been through, comforted to talk to a former pelvic pain sufferer who knew where I was coming from. Karl taught me a healing stomach massage, which he included in a daily recovery regime involving yoga-style stretches and mindfulness. When I realised the method was working, my outlook quickly altered from victim to victor. The more I practiced, the more my symptoms reduced. That’s not to say things changed overnight. Many times I thought the prostatitis had returned, but Karl helped me to trust the treatment: to breath, stretch and focus on something else.

Ten months on and the difference in my condition is staggering. I’m no longer living under an angry prostate-shaped cloud. Sure I get the odd twinge, but I know it’s nothing to worry about. I’m confident I won’t need antibiotics for prostatitis again; they brought relief, but only Karl’s RECOVER approach brought healing.

It’s hard to explain the feeling I get during the 20-minute routine that helps keep pelvic pain at bay. I relax into each pose, breathing deeply, enjoying the peace that comes from knowing all will be well. The pain has gone. The panic has gone. I’m out the other end of the rabbit hole and can live a full life again.

Sometimes, moving slowly and thoughtfully from one posture to the next, I experience a rush of gratitude and wellbeing. It’s like I’m finally giving my body what it has been craving all these years. So thank-you, Karl. Thank-you so much for showing me how.
